This Alexis Bittar social media series follows characters Margeaux and Jules as they navigate their own toxic relationship and orbit through Margeaux’s UES world of fashion tastemakers and rich elite.
Who is Margeaux?
Margeaux Goldrich is an exaggerated example of a rich Upper East Side woman, now on her third marriage. She lives in a delusional world of her own making, has an unaddressed drinking problem and is constantly berating her current assistant, ‘Jules’ - just one of many she’s had in the past. She heavily relies on ‘Jules’ for everything in her life.
Who is Jules?
Jules, whose real name is Hazel, is Margeaux’s long suffering assistant who is doing what she needs to make money. That includes sticking it out with an abusive boss. Hazel works as a dancer on the side, clocking extra hours to afford life in New York.
What Jewelry are Margeaux and Jules wearing in the videos?
Margeaux and Jules are dripping in Alexis Bittar jewelry and handbags. Margeaux favors statement pieces that make her feel powerful like the black bullet handbag or the large gold hinge cuff. Despite being overworked and underappreciated, Hazel wears large Lucite earrings or crystal drop earrings with a distinctly downtown edge. This collection contains all of the handbags and accessories worn by Margeaux and Hazel.
What are the popular earring styles that Margueax and Jules wear?
Margueax and Jules wear a variety of earrings, such as our staple front back earrings - the Solanales Crystal Front Back Double Drop Earring- and large gold earrings -the Crumpled Post Earrings. Each pair of earrings can be mixed and matched with our infamous bangle bracelets or cuffs and our collar necklaces.